Railaco Kraic Village in East Timor

Supporting education and better living standards


Comunidade Edmund Rice (CER) was established in East Timor in the late 1990s and supports health, education and development projects in partnership with five remote communities, including the village of Railaco Kraic.

With some of the lowest economic indicators in the world and where 50% of the population is under the age of 18, education has been identified as key to prosperity for the area. Ensuring the retention of teachers in a remote area like Railaco Kraic is therefore incredibly important. However, a limited and unreliable supply of water and no electricity meant that facilities for teachers were very basic.

Solution and Benefits

A squat toilet was replaced with a CM8 toilet from Clivus Multrum. The toilet does not use water and only requires minimal solar energy to power a small fan in the vent pipe. It is safe, hygienic and requires minimal maintenance. Importantly, it has improved living standards for the teachers and continues to function well year after year.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019 02:59